DuPage Woodworkers Logo

October General Meeting: October 21 at 7:00 pm

October Meeting

Next Monday (10/21) evening starting at 7PM is the monthly meeting held at St. James in Glen Ellyn. Doors will be open by 6:30 pm. Come early if you can help set up or have an FOW project to show.

Paul Pyrcik will talk about his methods for turning trees, bottle stoppers and other small items. Paul is bringing a lathe so this will be a live demonstration.

Turned Trees

Don’t forget to check the “FREE table” in the same room. Items brought in are generally free or occasionally sold as a bargain. If you have brought in any items for the FREE table, and they are not gone by the end of meeting, please take them from the room.

This is also a hybrid meeting for those who prefer to attend virtually.

Because parking spaces are often limited in the north side lot, please park in the south side lot, unless you need to bring in equipment or large items to the meeting room.
If attending in person, please fill out a name tag at the meeting, which are available in the back of the meeting room. It helps members remember names.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .

September General Meeting: September 16 at 7:00 pm

September Meeting

Favorite Shop Tips and Jigs – September 2024 Meeting

The September 16th meeting presentation topic will be you, the members, showing your favorite shop tip(s) and jig(s) that you use on a regular basis. You can have up to five minutes to present your favorite(s).
Tips can be small or large things that you use in your own ship. They do not have to be your own original idea, as long as you give credit to the originator.
Do you have a jig to do a specific cut or operation and you use it on a regular basis? Maybe for your table saw or band saw or for your drill press? You can show photos of your tip or jig in use. If it is too big to bring in, take a few photos of it in use. Send the photos to brucethewoodworker@gmail.com.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .

August General Meeting: August 19 at 7:00 pm

August Meeting

For August we will have Dave Dockstader and Eric Springer from the Fox Valley Club talking about 3D printers. One of these can help with making jigs, with shop organization, and even making tools. If you own a 3D printer or are thinking about buying one, be sure to attend.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .

July General Meeting: July 15 at 7:00 pm - Picnic at 6:00 PM

July Meeting

Next Monday (7/15) evening starting at 7PM is the monthly meeting held at St. James in Glen Ellyn. The pre-meeting picnic officially starts at 6PM. Those who wish to help with the picnic setup can start at 5:30pm

Doors should be open to St. James building by 5:30 pm.

Because parking spaces are often limited in the north side lot, please park in the south side lot, unless you need to bring in equipment or large items to the meeting room.

This is also a hybrid meeting for those who prefer to attend virtually. The Picnic hour will NOT be on Zoom.

Details on what's happening at this meeting are given in the July newsletter, accessible on the DPWW website and in the following link.

Newsletter Link

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .


April General Meeting: April 15 at 7:00 pm

April Meeting

Chainsaw carving with Bud Hainzinger. Bud will talk about the process he goes through to make a chainsaw carving. Bud Hainzinger ( woodenmattercarving.com) will talk about his chainsaw carvings. His carvings can be viewed at Starved Rock State Park and Lewis University, among other locations.

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .


March General Meeting: March 18 at 7:00 pm

March Meeting

Milescraft representatives will talk about and show some of the newest woodworking products that they make. Maybe even show us some in the pipeline.
Milescraft is headquartered in Elgin.

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .


February General Meeting: February 19 at 7:00 pm

February Meeting

The featured speaker for February is Jason Marosi, Vice President BVV ­ Jason will talk about and demonstrate the BVV stabilization system, a new approach to wood stabilizing ith pressures up to 1500 psi, completing parts fully stabilized in as little as 20 min for mall scale parts. BVV is headquartered on Frontenac Rd. in Naperville. They sell commercial vacuum extraction machines. https://shopbvv.com/

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .


January General Meeting: January 15 at 7:00 pm

January Meeting

We will have a few minutes club business followed by the presentation and finishing with FOW.

The featured speaker for January is Bill Boyle. Bill makes many styles of Windsor chairs. His workshop is in Belvidere and he offers a limited number of classes. The booth below is at the Naperville art show in 2022.

Art Fair Bending Jig

This DPWW meeting will be online - virtual only via Zoom.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. Please submit FOW projects using the web form.


November General Meeting: November 20 at 7:00 pm

November Meeting

On November 20th, 2023, We will have the Annual Toy Drive Collection. Make sure and bring any toys you have been working on for donation to local charities.
We will also have the Election of Officers for 2024 and details on the 2023 Holiday Party.

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

Because of the toy collection we are NOT planning a From Our Workshop.


October General Meeting: October 16 at 7:00 pm

October Meeting

On October 16th, 2023, Mark Dreyer will be presenting on Easy Wood Tools for turning.

Easy Wood Tools

The Demo will likely include:

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .


September General Meeting: September 18 at 7:00 pm

September Meeting

On Sept 18, 2023, Tom Olson will be have a PowerPoint presentation on how to make band saw boxes.

Band Saw Box Band Saw Box

A simple box will be illustrated step by step. An artistic band saw box will also be illustrated step by step. Finally a simple heart shaped puzzle box with a heart shaped key will be demonstrated if time permits.

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .


August General Meeting: August 21 at 7:00 pm

August Meeting

Our August program will feature Karl Scogin from the Woodridge Woodcraft store presenting on “Hand Plane Basics.” He will cover basic plane types, their uses, setting them up, and how to sharpen the blades. This will be quite an interesting program for everyone as he has presented at DPWW before and in other venues he has received many favorable comments.

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .


June General Meeting: June 19 at 7:00 pm

June Meeting

After the successful show and tell in April we will be having another Show and Tell this month.

Your presentation does not have to be long – use five minutes as a guide. You can send pictures or use PowerPoint even if it is only one or two slides, but it is not required. If you have pictures or use PowerPoint, please send the file to Jeff Kramer (Kramer123@hotmail.com) and he will collate them for the meeting.

Here are some thoughts/questions on what you may present:

Please feel free to bring any jigs, tools, or anything else that would illustrate your presentation to the members.

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .


February General Meeting: February 20 at 7:00 pm

February Meeting

This will be a busy meeting for the club.

There are still Board and committee positions open for 2023. Please consider contributing to DPWW by helping out with management. Talk to George Rodgers if you are interested in a position.

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

We are planning a From Our Workshop. There will be a Zoom From Our Workshop as well as FOW in person, so please bring your winter projects to the meeting and continue to submit project photos via the Google Form .


November General Meeting: November 21 at 7:00 pm

November Program : Jeff Kramer - Marc Adams School of Woodworking

The November program will feature a short presentation by Jeff Kramer about his experience attending his first class at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking. He will discuss the course he took (Fundamentals of Woodworking with Steve Latta) and the things that he learned about woodworking and Marc Adams.

The remainder of the November meeting will feature our annual DPWW toy distribution.


This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

We are not planning a From Our Workshop.

October General Meeting: October 17 at 7:00 pm

October Program : Chad Montgomery - Constructing a Ukulele

Ukulele Chad Montgomery one of our members, will be the featured presenter at our meeting on October 17. He will talk about constructing a ukulele and will give a presentation on how you can construct one yourself. This will include:

  1. An overview of his progression in instrument building. (He started with a kit build, and moved on to designing and building them from scratch while adding more features with each build)
  2. A walk through the steps in building a ukulele, including discussions of some of the jigs for key steps: side bending, fretting, carving the neck, etc.
  3. Options for materials and parts


This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

We are planning a From Our Workshop.

September General Meeting: September 19 at 7:00 pm

September Program : Marty Detmer - Creating Tapered Polygon Box Lids

Peaked Lid This month we have DPWW member Marty Dettmer presenting a method for constructing a hexagonal box top that rises up in the center. A flat lid is a two dimensional construction. When you add a peak, it becomes a three dimensional problem that requires more thought and the glue up gets complicated.


This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

Masks are recommended but not required.

We are planning a From Our Workshop.

August General Meeting: August 15 at 7:00 pm

August Program : Laser Machining – John Zurales

John Zurales has been using a laser for about a year and a half to make a projects that combine woodworking, software, and laser in a wide variety of materials.   His laser journey began with a weekend laser class at Marc Adams two years ago, followed by a full week class this year where he made the Blackhawks laser marquetry piece as well as many other items. 

  Blackhawk Inlay

The laser is a versatile tool that uses similar XY and Z axis principles as CNC routing, to cut, score and engrave projects.  John has used his laser on wood, veneer, slate tile, glass, acrylic, coffee mugs, leatherette, paper and other materials.   

  John and laser machiner

He is still on his exploration journey and will provide an overview of the laser process, share lessons learned, examples of his work, and answer questions.    John is also donating some laser made items to the door prize raffle for members that are attending in person.

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

Masks are recommended but not required.

We are planning a From Our Workshop.

June General Meeting: June 20 at 7:00 pm

June Program : Carving with – John Henderson

John will be presenting in person and bringing in a number of his works along with tools he uses. He will discuss the tools, how to carve, his ideas, some of his works, and take Q&A. He carves animals, body's, and abstract figures. And has won numerous awards for his works. John has been carving for 35 years year's but said he started whittling at age 12. His past life John was in the Vietnan war, a paramedic, and then a firefighter.

This DPWW meeting will be at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. Please park in the South parking lot.

Masks are recommended but not required.

We are planning a From Our Workshop.

April General Meeting: April 18 at 7:00 pm

April Program : Building a Kayak – Gary Davis

Finished Kyak Amateur woodworker Gary Davis has had a dream for many years of making his own canoe. Well, life throws a twist sometimes and he made a kayak instead. It was a three-summer project that he documented the entire time. Using a combination of hand and power tools with three different wood species he'll present his project from inception to completion. You can find a blog of his experience at Strip Built Kayak

Good news again - this DPWW meeting will be second in a row in person meeting at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. We will also broadcast the meeting via Zoom. If you drive to St. James, please park in the South parking lot.

Masks are recommended but not required.

We are planning a From Our Workshop.

Door prizes are back! Come to the meeting and try your luck!!

March General Meeting: March 21 at 7:00 pm

March Program : Jim Snyder on teaching high school woodshop

Jim Snyder will be discussing his 30 years as a woodshop teacher at Glenbard South High School. He will talk about what he taught on safety, the equipment they used, the projects his students made, and other items related to woodworking.

Good news (again) this DPWW meeting will be in person at Saint James Church in Glen Ellyn. We will also broadcast the meeting via Zoom. If you drive to St. James, please park in the South parking lot.

Masks are recommended but not required.

We are planning a From Our Workshop.

February General Meeting: February 21 at 7:00 pm

February Program : Ron Herman will present on Woodworking Joints

Our February program is professional woodworker Ron Herman. Since his presentation will be via Zoom and Omicron is still in the air the board decided that we will conduct our general meeting in February via Zoom, no in­person meeting. The Zoom meeting information will be distributed to members the week before the meeting.

Ron will be presenting on woodworking joint making.

He will try to cover:

He has a program that usually last about 4 hours. He will cover what he can in the time we can allot him, about 1 1⁄2 hours.

January General Meeting: January 17 at 7:00 pm

January Program to Feature a Panel on Woodworking Schools

Our January 17th program will provide you with the opportunity to learn about several of the woodworking schools where some of our members have taken woodworking courses. Our presenters will provide an overview of their experience and answer questions. We’ve recruited Don Johnson and Dick Sing from the Windy City Woodturners to fill out the program. The schools and their presenters are:

Please join us for this informative program.

ReTool and ReStore Field Trip: November 13, 2021

Our November activity was a trip to Rockford to visit ReTool (used tools) and Restore (used tools and more).

ReTool store

From Our Workshop


Roy Galbreath showed this lovely excavator at our October meeting.

The DuPage Woodworkers is dedicated to increasing the enjoyment of woodworking. Woodworkers of all skill levels, in every area of woodworking, are welcome.

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